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Germany General Ship Supplier - Chandler

Ship Chandler Emden

Ship Chandler Emden

Emden harbor is about few hours away from Hamburg, the largest city of Germany. The distance is about 170 km. Accessibility is very convenient. The city of Emden, which is famous for its natural beauties, hosts a lot of scaffolding including a main port. In general, there are a few ships coming and going in the port of Emden, which is not very busy. Due to the fact that it is close to many places to visit, the port of Emden is a well-known harbor for sailors and company talents.

Ship Chandler Emden provide service in every port of tekirdag. You can contact with Ship Chandler Emden for all your needs. You can be sure that Ship Chandler Emden provide the best service with the most favorable conditions. Although Ship Chandler Emden do not have an office in Emden, Ship Chandler Emden are able to provide all your needs without any problems. You just need to contact Ship Chandler Emden for all your needs. Ship Chandler Emden’s professional team will be at your service every hour of the week without interruption.

As general ship supplier Ship Chandler Emden provide the following services for all EmdenPort/Piers:
– Technical spare parts
– Bonded warehouse
– Cabin and Public Areas
– Charts
– Electric Equipment
– Galley
– General Tools
– Marine Medical Supplies
– Life raft services
– Fire fighting
– Wire / textiles ropes
– Lashing materials
– Laundry
– Stationary
– Spare parts storage (forwarding)
– Tools
– Valves

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For more information emden port

Phone: +32 474 30 30 13